How to Have a Long, Healthy Marriage

How to Have a Long

A common statistic is that half of all marriages today end in divorce, sometimes after only a few years.

However, the older generations seem to have it figured out, with their marriages lasting 50 or even 60 years! Those seniors clearly know some secrets to ensuring that their marriage stays happy and healthy. With Valentine’s Day approaching this weekend, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to share some marriage advice regarding having an exciting and lasting relationship.

Marriage Advice from the Experts- Seniors!

A little while ago, CBS This Morning put out a video in which they interviewed Professor Karl Pillemer, author of a book called 30 Lessons for Loving: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships and Marriage. He interviewed over 700 people with marriages lasting an average of 43 years. In the book, seniors dished out some advice about how to pick the perfect mate and make it last throughout the years.  Here are their tips, as well as some other great general marriage tips to stay happy with your significant other over time:

  • Marry someone with similar interests. While it’s also important to have hobbies and things you enjoy doing on your own, make sure you and your mate share some common interests as well. Spending time together doing things you both like, whether it’s dancing, hiking or bowling will allow your bond to remain strong.
  • Listen to your family. If your family members can’t understand what you see in your significant other, pay attention to that fact. If those closest to you don’t approve of your relationship, this should definitely be considered a red flag.
  • Prioritize your spouse. With our busy careers and crazy schedules revolving around our children, it’s vital to put your spouse first from time to time. Plan weekly or monthly date nights, and never take each other for granted. Also remember to respect each other and treat your spouse the way you would like to be treated yourself. Love is a two-way street, after all.
  • Deal with conflicts head on. There’s that old saying, “never go to bed angry.” However, that’s not necessarily true. Pick the right time to have major discussions about your disagreements. Another popular saying is “timing is everything,”and in the case of marital disputes this is very true. Show patience with each other and keep a sense of forgiveness.
  • Keep the spark alive! A little romance now and then is vital for a happy marriage! Try to think back to how you felt when you first met your spouse and keep that feeling going. Have fun with each other- look at marriage as a lifetime of enjoyment with the person you love most in your life.

In case you missed it, a few months ago American Senior Communities released a short video of our own in which some of our seniors gave some of their best life advice, including some great thoughts about how to have a happy relationship.  Check it out again below!

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