How Community Living Helps You Regain Independence

Caring for Someone with Dementia

The goal of an assisted living community is to provide both seniors and the caregivers with the peace of mind that the senior will be safe, cared for, comfortable, and all future needs will be met.

However, many seniors are worried that by leaving their homes, their independence will become compromised.

Why Community Living for Seniors is Beneficial

Today’s senior living communities aren’t anything like the white-walled, institutionalized facilities of the past. Most seniors admit that while it may have taken some convincing to get them to realize move to an assisted living community was truly for the best, once they’ve settled into their new home they can’t imagine their lives any other way.

When a senior lives alone in a home they’ve lived in for years, social isolation can start to become a major problem. Since driving can become difficult, seniors may be stuck in the home by themselves for long periods of time with no way to get necessities or maintain regular doctor appointments. Many seniors end up relying on a family member for transportation, which can lead to stress and resentment among the family.

Plus, there’s the fact that aging adults tend to start experiencing physical ailments, making it difficult to maintain the home and yard. Simply climbing a ladder to change a lightbulb can become a dangerous task that can lead to a debilitating fall.  Once again they may end up relying on a family member to help with these household duties they can no longer keep up with. In an assisted living community, residents are relieved of daily household tasks and can focus on just enjoying life.

Community living also keep seniors from getting bored. There are always a variety of events and activities scheduled weekly, and residents build new relationships with others who share their interests. Instead of being trapped in a home, seniors will have access to social activities within the assisted living community and the local community. Of course, when a resident wants a quiet evening alone, that’s always possible, too.

Staying Independent in Assisted Living

Community living for seniors is about promoting all the things residents still can do and encouraging their independence. While assistance is always available for help with daily living activities like dressing, grooming and eating, residents are urged to do as much as they can on their own.

Residents at assisted living communities have reported an overall improved quality of life as they regain the independence that was becoming harder to maintain in their own homes. Feeling safe and secure is a major benefit of community living for seniors.

For more information about American Senior Communities, please visit

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