Is Assisted Living Right For Me?

Is Assisted Living Right For Me?

Taking care of a home and personal needs can become a challenge and requires taking an honest look at the situation to see how life can be made easier, allowing us more time to focus on the more important things in life. Listed below are some potential concerns that everyone faces eventually. If you often worry about one or more of the things listed, assisted living may be your ideal solution.

  • I wonder what would happen if I needed help and no one was around.
  • I forgot to take my medication and sometimes can’t remember if I’ve taken it today.
  • I think it’s unnecessary or silly to fix food for just one person, so I miss meals. I’ve begun to lose weight.
  • My personal hygiene has changed. I don’t think it’s necessary to bathe daily or put on clean clothing, because I’m not going anywhere and no one’s coming to visit.
  • My home is not as clean as it should be.
  • I’m just not in the mood to deal with it.
  • I find myself sleeping more than usual.
  • I’ve told myself that I never want to be a burden on my family or friends.
  • I’m starting to make up reasons for not getting out of the house. It’s too much trouble.
  • I’m not as comfortable driving as I used to be. I fear I’m going to be in an accident or cause one.
  • I worry about unexpected expenses and whether I’ll have the money when they arise.
  • Managing my money is becoming more and more difficult.
  • I can’t do the maintenance needed to keep my home and appliances in working order.
  • I’m not sure if others are taking advantage of me when they charge me to do the necessary repairs.
  • There is no one to clean away the snow. I know it is a risk for me to do this type of chore.
  • Outdoor chores are piling up and I worry about being overcharged when I hire someone to do them.
  • I worry about feeling secure in my home. All the unknown repair people know I’m alone.
  • Others in the neighborhood also know I’m alone.
  • I fear falling down. I wonder how long it would be until someone found me.

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