New Year, New You!

New Year

Now that a new year is here, many people are taking the opportunity to make positive changes in their lives, and that includes our residents at American Senior Communities.  Luckily, we’ve put a program in place to help them improve themselves every day, whether they’re trying to grow socially or work on their physical fitness. Today we’d like to tell you about New Energy Wellness – a program we’ve implemented to support our residents as they strive to accomplish their goals in the new year.

New Energy Wellness

Maintaining a certain level of physical fitness is crucial to the health and wellbeing of any individual, especially those who are age 50 and older.  Studies have shown that maintaining an active lifestyle can improve bone health and prevent falls in older adults. At American Senior Communities, we’ve implemented New Energy Wellness, a program designed to help our residents and members of the local community achieve their fitness goals, giving them more energy, better health and a sense of accomplishment.

When you participate in New Energy Wellness, you’ll work with our Health Promotion Coordinator who is trained in health and fitness and will work with you to create a custom-tailored exercise regimen that’s low impact to spare your joints and one that will be fun to do. Blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen blood levels are all measured before and after each session to ensure your exercise routine is safe for you to do regularly.  You could make 2019 the year you start focusing on your health; visit our New Energy Wellness page to connect with an American Senior Community near you that offers this program.

While you’re on the phone, you can also ask about all the wonderful enhancements we offer in our Assisted Living, Independent Living and Garden Home communities!

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