After years in the workforce, you might be a little apprehensive about facing retirement full on. Saving enough money is not the only thing you need to worry about. With longer lifespans these days, you may have a couple decades to live your life to the fullest.
Now that you’re no longer working, you have hours of free time to fill each day. You also have complete control over how you spend that time. While relaxation might be first on your list of things to do, eventually you’ll probably want to find some more productive activities to do during your retirement.
How to Fill Your Days When You Retire
Here are eight ways to enjoy your retirement:
- Travel – You’ve got the free time now to travel off-season and save some money by doing so, and you can stay for extended amounts of time, too. Go on an adventure, such as traveling to Europe or taking a cross country road trip. Or, enjoy a relaxing fishing or golf trip. You can also enjoy extended weekend getaways and discover new places near where you live.
- Volunteer – Donating your time with a charity, community or church organization can be a fulfilling way to spend some time when you retire. Just make sure you find a position that allows you to utilize the skills you’ve acquired through your career or something that matches your interests.
- Spend Time With Family – You have the time now to visit with family or friends, no matter how far away they might be. Or, take this opportunity to babysit your grandchildren and get to know them better.
- Take up a New Hobby/Learn Something New – Expand your interests! The possibilities are endless. You could learn photography, painting, knitting, how to play an instrument, start a garden, or play cards with friends. Challenge yourself with something you’ve always wanted to learn but never had time for, like learning a foreign language.
- Exercise – Take care of your health and make a fitness plan part of your new routine. You are no longer “too busy” to work out. Join a fitness club or take up a new sport like tennis or racquetball. Or, just get out and take long walks around your neighborhood or a nearby hiking trail.
- Home Improvement – Tackle that “honey do” list once and for all! If your kids have moved out, you’re probably in better shape financially to renovate the kitchen or the guest bathroom, and tackling some of these projects can be extremely gratifying. Renovations also help maintain the value of your home, and get it ready to sell when you’re looking to perhaps downsize to a smaller home.
- Read or Write – Reading is an enjoyable and inexpensive way to pass the time. Delve into your to-read list or start the classics you’ve always wanted to read but never had the opportunity to before. You can even join a book club to share your thoughts with your peers and stay socially involved. Or, write a book yourself! Whether it is fiction, a cookbook, or even sharing your life in a memoir, writing is a great way to get your thoughts down on paper for others to enjoy. You could even simply start a blog to share your retirement activities or knowledge from your career.
- Keep Working – Start a business or consulting firm using the experience you’ve gained from your working days. Or, get a part time job doing something you enjoy. This will allow you to still socialize and bring in some extra money without the stress of a full time job.
Remember, this is your time and you have control over how you spend it. Do the things that are important to you and will make you happy.
The Garden Homes at American Senior Communities are a great option for those that are retiring. For more information, visit .